Wednesday, August 22, 2007

To Kill a Mocking Bird and a reminiscent

I njoi reading as thousands of others. I took up reading since.....well,.. since ... before my 1st form I guess. (coz I started going to school since I was 2 years). This happened not because of my high IQ but because of the simple reason that my parents were employed. A job that was not worth to be resigned, u could say they were "highly employed". ( Twenty five years back the concept of "day care" was not very "prominent", neither was "benevolent maternity and paternity packages" as now nor were they comfortable with nanny's taking care of me). So my parents didnt have option rather than asking their friend who owns this school to admit me. And I went to school. But I have no hard feelings on it. I enjoyed being the youngest member in the whole school with special previleges. I can sit in the classes I preferred (my preference of classes depends upon the "dresses and loveliness of teachers" :D)and leave the classes whenever I wanted. I remained the youngest member in class from my school days till I finished my Masters.

Back to my reading habit. I read anything with some exceptions, some of which are Mills and Boons and such other silly romantic books, Harold Robbins, (I read one, and I didnt like it, then I thought I should give another chance as I beleive an author cant be strictly judged with one book but I cudnt reach till the half of the next book) and a few more. Other books that I dont read/ dare to read is philosophy and also those "highly helpful" books like "how to influence people" "How to make friends" "How to lead" "How to crack joke" etc.( Simply bcoz I dnt need all those. I am too good in that already and there isnt anything left to improvise. Too much of confidence?).

I had never tried reading "to kill a mocking bird", simply because I classified in to come into "those motivating" section. Then one day whilst on a vacation in florida a friend asked "why didnt you read it"? No usual advices like " u must read it once" "it is wonderful etc". The way he asked me I felt I didnt do something mandatory or which I was supposed to do. I finally decided to read it.

After finishing it I asked myself "why didnt I read it before"? It is a simple book of innocence. The comradeship and understanding between Atticus (father ) and children was so inspiring. And the communication and the friendliness between the brother and sister, again made me crave for a big brother ( I always wanted a elder brother. But it had stopped by the time I turned 16, cos I felt that they always hindered ur freedom unless one is very lucky.) The simple way of saying the story, describing the political and society's attitude is so absorbing. The thoughts and the thought processes are very stirring. All the characters in the book has a special place of their own, and showed their importance or worthiness when required. Let it be Boo Radley or Calpurina or Miss Maudie or Mr. Cunningham and Ms. Dubose too :D.

The book captuered the innocence, attitude, Situations, friendship, the craftiness or shrewdness , the principles of the people. The book was beautiful and very refreshing. A definite must read...


Anonymous said...

Excellent views...

Anonymous said...

Excellent views...